# 二叉树的最低公共祖先
Definition of TreeNode:
class TreeNode:
def __init__(self, val):
self.val = val
self.left, self.right = None, None
class Solution:
@param root: The root of the binary search tree.
@param A and B: two nodes in a Binary.
@return: Return the least common ancestor(LCA) of the two nodes.
def lowestCommonAncestor(self, root, A, B):
# write your code here
if root == None:
return False
pathA = self.storeNodes(root, A)[0]
pathB = self.storeNodes(root, B)[0]
if pathA and pathB:
lenA, lenB = len(pathA), len(pathB)
diff = abs(lenA - lenB)
if lenA > lenB:
markA = lenA - diff - 1
markB = lenB - 1
markA = lenA - 1
markB = lenB - diff - 1
while markA >= 0 and markB >= 0:
if pathA[markA] == pathB[markB]:
return pathA[markA]
markA -= 1
markB -= 1
def storeNodes(self, root, targetNode):
if root == None or targetNode == None:
return []
elif root.val == targetNode.val:
return [[targetNode]]
stack = []
if root.left:
stackLeft = self.storeNodes(root.left, targetNode)
for i in stackLeft:
i.insert(0, root)
if root.right:
stackRight = self.storeNodes(root.right, targetNode)
for i in stackRight:
i.insert(0, root)
return stack